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working on hydro electric drive lower end

DOWNLOAD working on hydro electric drive lower end

working on hydro electric drive lower end


  • 1.5-40 hp engines
  • 1 and 2 cylinder
  • two stroke models

working on hydro electric drive lower end

Step-by-step illustrated keyed procedures guide you through every conceivable job possible, including all adjustments necessary. Perfect for do-it-yourselfers or professional mechanics.
NOT a Seloc manual.

Manual chapters:
- general information
- tools and equipment
- boating safety
- engine tune-up
- engine disassembly and reassembly
- fuel system
- ignition system
- electrical system
- cooling system
- drive unit
- tilt and trim systems
- engine specs
- torque specs
- maintenance and off-season storage
- wiring diagrams.
- appendix

Appendix may have missing pages!

420 pages.

File Size: 17.72Mb.

DOWNLOAD working on hydro electric drive lower end